Thursday, 7 March 2019

What are you reading today?

I returned from a trip to London last month and came down with bronchitis, so I have been keeping warm and reading anything I can get my hands on.
For Christmas, one of my nephews gave me A GENTLEMAN IN MOSCOW by Amor Towles. I  enjoyed this book very much. It is really a set of stories about Moscow with a lot of insider tales. Towles is a gifted writer - reading this book felt like sitting chatting to someone who had been in revolutionary Russia and seen it all. It probably isn't everyone's cup of tea but I can certainly recommend it.
Apart from that, now that I am feeling somewhat better, I have continued with the editing of my novel A MAN CALLED GREGOR, the tagline for which reads: Lauren's search for her uncle turns into a nightmare. I wrote this several years ago and had put it to one side, as writers sometimes do. Now, having re-read it and spotted some of the holes in the plot, I am having another stab at it. I don't know if it is easier or more difficult to edit an existing piece of work.  I still have some way to go with it but I now do have the cover. See what you think:

I am using the name Peggie Biessmann as this story is more international than my crime and romance novels, which are set in Ireland. this one moves from London to Frankfurt to Croatia.
The only other novel I have written under this name is SPATE OF VIOLENCE which is set in Germany.
Anyway, now that I have the cover ready, I am motivated to get cracking on the editing. I hope to have it available on Amazon as Kindle ebook and paperback by Easter.  Still lots to be done, though.

Reading old novels

 I haven't written here for ages but wanted to put my thoughts down on a novel I am currently re-reading. I keep certain novels and read...