Thursday, 31 January 2019

New Year Resolve - A Plea for Slackers

We're a month into the New Year. Remember how we greeted it? Champagne, fireworks, New Year resolutions? Are you smiling smugly and saying, yep, I've kept up my plan. I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since January 1st, been to the gym for a workout every second day, haven't eaten a chocolate...
If you answered "yes" to any of that, I take off my hat to you! Well done you! You are one of those strong-minded disciplined people who are destined to go far. I say this with admiration and a teeny bit of envy.
I do not belong to this wonderful group of people.To quote Oscar Wilde (everybody does, it seems): I can resist anything except temptation. Oh, I'm not proud of it. But I'm not ashamed of it, either. I think I am realistic enough to recognize that there are so many different kinds of people in the world and each of them has a contribution they can make to their immediate society.
It's not that I am swayed by every temptation, you understand. It's just that, having cut down on sweet calorie-laden stuff, I will suddenly decide, what the heck? let's eat a Mars bar. I don't feel guilty when I do this and I don't go back to eating chocolate. It's a one-off thing. I find, too, that the less chocolate I eat, the less craving for chocolate I have.
I'm a firm believer on moderation in everything. I once stayed with a friend who was into healthy eating (the term makes me shudder, I must admit). She even ground her own flour. It took hours to chew what she served up. I'm sure I wore out at least one molar in the process. I'm convinced that she served up grass for lunch one day. Was she any healthier than me? I couldn't tell, I must admit. And that is a comforting thought.
You see, I believe it is the quality of your thoughts, what your interests are, how much you enjoy the company of other people, all of this is what makes you healthy. Of course you shouldn't eat too much fatty foods, you should get enough exercise and keep an eye on your weight, but my reckoning is that you are going to do that if you love life enough.
I'm sure all the experts will be tearing their hair out at my remarks. But look around you, I say. Get involved, get interested in something outside yourself, that will make you happy. And you can "reward" yourself now and again with your favourite food without feeling too guilty about it.
Life is fun!

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