I have finally completed my Christmas novel CHRISTMAS ROMANCE AT WINDFALL LODGE. I have edited it at least ten times, if not more, and each time I have changed something or found a mistake in spelling or grammar or a "he said, she said" too many.
Finally deciding it is fit to publish is always a big step. It is like sending your child to school on that first day. You feel they should do fine but you are just a teeny, weeny bit worried. That is what I felt like when I completed my last edit. I didn't think I could polish it any more but still, there is always this nagging doubt. Could I have, should I have?
I get a lot of fun out of writing. It is the only time you can actually change the outcome of certain situations. And I get really attached to all my characters. Some of them are planned from the very beginning while others just show up, as in my previous Christmas novel A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER.
I hope that my readers get as much kick out of reading my novels as I do writing them. In particular, I hope they enjoy this latest offering of mine.
It won't be available until October. Here is a preview of the cover:
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